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The Globe Church

The Globe Church

Sundays at The Globe Church

Join The Globe Church this Sunday, 4pm at Ark Globe Academy.

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The Globe Church Blog

Church Blog

Throughout the year we invite members of our church family to reflect on topics like what God is teaching them in through our sermon series, things that are happening in the world, and more…

The latest post is Serving in Thailand by Flora Clark

All posts

Advent – from December darkness to lasting light

Date Monday, 19 December 2022

Author Sarah Cleary

We’ve been thinking a lot about light together this Christmas. In this blog Sarah reflects on her experiences of light and dark throughout this advent period.

Not yet home – too close to home?

Date Monday, 5 December 2022

Author Anonymous

This term in Focus Groups we’ve been working our way through the Bible, looking at the story of our true home. The home we long for. The home we were created for. We know that we’re destined for the perfect home, with God forever. But how do we process not yet being home with God when our experience now is hard? Not yet home is a series of blogs where members of our church family can share their experience of home. This is Anatoly.

Not yet home – More the home I dreamt of

Date Monday, 21 November 2022

Author Ryan Gausden

This term in Focus Groups we’ve been working our way through the Bible, looking at the story of our true home. The home we long for. The home we were created for. We know that we’re destined for the perfect home, with God forever. But how do we process not yet being home with God when our experience now is hard? Not yet home is a series of blogs where members of our church family can share their experience of home. This is Ryan’s story.

Not yet home – Where is home when you’re on mission?

Date Monday, 7 November 2022

Author Anaïs Philippe

This term in Focus Groups we’ve been working our way through the Bible, looking at the story of our true home. The home we long for. The home we were created for. We know that we’re destined for the perfect home, with God forever. But how do we process not yet being home with God when our experience now is hard? Not yet home is a series of blogs where members of our church family can share their experience of home. This is Anais’ story.

Not yet home – Where are you from?

Date Tuesday, 1 November 2022

Author Nick Butcher

This term in Focus Groups we’ve been working our way through the Bible, looking at the story of our true home. The home we long for. The home we were created for. We know that we’re destined for the perfect home, with God forever. But how do we process not yet being home with God when our experience now is hard? Not yet home is a series of blogs where members of our church family can share their experience of home. This is Nick’s story.