Fruitfulness in Suffering
Zoe Sim
Over the summer we have spent our Sundays thinking about fruitfulness, and how we can try to live more fruitful lives for God across a number of circumstances in our lives. All of us will experience suffering in different ways throughout our lives. I think there are a lot of specific ways that living through […]
Facing Inwards/Facing Outwards? Part 2
Nick Butcher
This is part 2 of a 2 part series reflecting on the evangelistic implications of our latest series of focus studies. Last time I put forward that the Goal of the cross was to rescue a people for God, that the proclamation of the Gospel should create a community, and therefore if we miss that […]
Facing inwards/Facing outwards? Part 1
Nick Butcher
In our most recent Focus series we looked at the ‘one anothers’ in the Bible. In this blog, Nick reflects on these studies and how they apply to mission. This term in Focus we’ve look at the ‘one anothers’ commands in the New Testament about how God’s people are meant to relate to one another […]
Faithful Sacrifice: Shoulder-to-Shoulder
Harry Kendall
From 23rd-25th July, a group from Globe headed to REVIVE. Co-Mission’s annual festival, where all the churches in the network gather to connect and praise our faithful God. Harry has shared in this blog something of how the weekend impacted him. As those travelling in the car with me to REVIVE 2023 will know, I […]
Reflections on Generosity
Rose Cruickshank
A few weeks ago, Rose shared at church what she’s been thinking about generosity. She’s written up her thoughts in this blog. Lately I’ve been challenged to think about how I spend my money, and how I give. I’ve concluded that these things say a lot more about my Christian character than I initially think. […]