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The Globe Church

The Globe Church

Sundays at The Globe Church

Join The Globe Church this Sunday, 4pm at Ark Globe Academy.

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The Globe Church Blog

Church Blog

Throughout the year we invite members of our church family to reflect on topics like what God is teaching them in through our sermon series, things that are happening in the world, and more…

The latest post is Serving in Thailand by Flora Clark

All posts

Reflecting on 100 times as much – part 2

Date Wednesday, 1 March 2023

Author Matt Cant

Then Jesus declared ‘’I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty’’. (John 6:35). We live in a culture which is reflected in our favourite Disney movies, one where we are told that our happily ever after can be found in […]

Approaching the week of prayer

Date Thursday, 26 January 2023

Author Zoe Sim

Starting this Sunday the 29th, is our Week of Prayer. But what is it? What will it be like?

100 Times as Much (Part 2)

Date Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Author Ryan Gausden

On 11th February, we are running an event called 100 times as much – part 2. In this blog, Ryan reflects on part one of this event last June. If you weren’t able to go, this will catch you up, as well as help us to think and pray ahead of the next event.

Globe Weekend 2023

Date Monday, 16 January 2023

Author Sarah Hadden

At the start of January, The Globe Church headed off for its very first weekend away. What follows is an attempt to summarise the many highlights of the trip and reflect on the encouragement and hope found as we explored the incredible book of Esther together!

New Year? New Bible Reading Plan?

Date Thursday, 5 January 2023

Author Linda Allcock

I still haven’t finished my Bible-in-One-Year-2022 reading plan! But it doesn’t matter because in Christ I am forgiven for the days I messed up. Everyday is New Year’s Day in Christ!