Wise Words Online
Zoe Sim
As we think through the wisdom found in Proverbs this summer, it’s clear that our words are important. On Sunday, Jonty took us through some ways that Proverbs warns us about using our words, showing us ways that we can go wrong when we act out of the fear of man. However, God doesn’t just […]
Serving in Thailand
Flora Clark
A team of 10 people from Globe recently went on a trip to Thailand. They went to put on a kids’ camp for some missionary partners serving in South East Asia, whilst the parents attended a training conference. This is a short account of their trip. Three flights, 25 hours and 9,028 miles later, the […]
Praying Psalm 42
Clare Doughty
We thought recently on the blog about praying in difficult situations when we don’t seem to have the words. The Psalms can help us to cry out to God in lament and prayer. Clare has crafted this prayer below based on Psalm 42, to help us pray for people in turmoil. Lord, Would _______ know […]
Praying when we don’t have the words
Linda Allcock
I know the Lord’s prayer. Really well. I’ve taught it, recited it, written articles about it and even sung it. So studying it in Focus felt like treading a well-worn path. And then our Focus Group received devastating news, and suddenly the Lord’s Prayer which we had been studying became precious to me in a […]
Praying for Gaza
Sarina Saddiq
Over the last 7 months our world has been witness to a heartbreaking situation in the Middle East, and from here in London, however separate we may feel, we have watched the immense suffering of those made in God’s image in Gaza. With onslaughts of information and political debate, it can be hard to know […]