The world on our doorstep
Rachel Weller
At a recent planning day, the English Conversation Café team mapped out some of the countries that guests who attend the evenings come from. Take a look. What do you notice? In short, you’ll see that God has brought a mission field to our doorstep. Regularly around the tables on Monday nights are guests from […]
Globe Weekend 2025
Theo Hunt
January is an excellent time to go away as a Church. Not much is going on, there’s not much to do, and the weather’s horrible, which means a lot of sitting inside. And this does something to starve the soul, making it lean and hungry and vulnerable. Walking through the Surrey countryside was gentle and […]
Approaching the Week of Prayer
Lucy Williams
“Teach us to pray…” That’s what the disciples asked Jesus in Luke 11. I think I often read this verse as ‘teach us how to pray’ but in fact it just says ‘teach us to pray’. Perhaps it’s an insignificant distinction as Jesus does them teach them how to pray in the words of the Lord’s Prayer, but it […]
Globe Talks: Friendship
Bryony Sewell
A month or so ago we had a Globe Talks: Friendship morning giving us the chance to spend a few hours together as a Church family to think through a Biblical understanding of friendship and some really practical applications of what that looks like. I write these reflections as someone who cares deeply about friendships. […]
The Joy of Adopting Students
Olivia Whittome
When I was a student, I was 6 hours away from home, family and friends, and any source of familiarity. In my first year I lived with six others who dabbled in drugs and alcohol and big nights out whilst I had a 9-5 degree and hospital placements. I was convinced that when went to […]