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The Globe Church


Sundays at The Globe Church

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Digital doorposts

Date Friday, 6th October 2017

Preached by James Docherty

On Wednesday at Globe Focus we started out on a new series of small group studies in the book of Psalms. The title for this term is ‘Like a Tree Planted‘. It’s from Psalm One where the Psalmist is reflecting the law of the Lord. It’s a reminder that blessing is in meditating and delighting in God’s word. Those who do, says the Psalmist, will be like trees planted by streams of water, bearing fruit in season and it’s leaves not withering.

One of the big themes that we’re going to be looking at this term is mediating on scripture. Phil started the studies in Deuteronomy 6:4-9. One of the points was around God commanded his people to do with his word:

These words should be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently… bind them on your hands… write them on your doorposts and gates.

Deuteronomy 6:4-9

While I have doorposts, I know that my landlord wouldn’t be too happy if I was to carve scripture into them. So I started thinking about some of the other doorposts and gates that I have…

A couple of years ago Austin Kleon, author of Steal Like an Artist, decided that he wanted to read more books. His phone was a distraction from reading. The solution he found was to change the lock screen image on his phone. Rather that a landscape photo which drew him in, instead he made graphic which said “read a book instead”. Every time he picked up the phone, the phone pointed him to a book.

I love this idea. The digital gateway of your phone becomes a reminder – it points you to something more fulfilling. Liberally stealing Austin’s idea, I’ve turned the series graphic for this term into an image for your phone and computer. The tree image takes it’s text from Psalm One. As you pick up your phone you can see God’s word on a digital doorpost.

Many thanks to Sarah for her illustrated typography for this Focus series.