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The Globe Church

The Globe Church

Sundays at The Globe Church

Join The Globe Church this Sunday, 4pm at Ark Globe Academy.

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The Bible illustrates church membership through several word-pictures of the church. For example, we are parts of a body, bricks in a building, soldiers in an army, and perhaps most powerfully, members of one family. These pictures all contain the idea of belonging, which is much more than attending. Church isn’t supposed to be a spectator sport. It is much more of a family who are all involved in different ways to make the family work properly.

Therefore, we believe that anyone who is trusting Jesus and has decided to make The Globe Church their ‘home’ is a member of the family.

We then encourage those who are members at Globe Church to express that membership publicly by becoming part of our formal membership. Membership expresses a commitment to one local church family. It is also legally how we are constituted. We hold regular church members meetings, and any changes in church leadership need to be agreed by a vote of the membership.

The process of becoming a member means simply filling in a form that contains these four ideas:

  1. I commit (this is my church family, where I serve, give and love others)
  2. I need (I can’t go it alone, we need one another)
  3. I entrust (I want this church to look out for me)
  4. I belong (because I belong to Christ, I want to belong to His church)

Membership forms can be found at the back of church. If you are interested, fill in a form or chat to one of the elders. You can also fill in the form online here.