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The Globe Church

The Globe Church

Sundays at The Globe Church

Join The Globe Church this Sunday, 4pm at Ark Globe Academy.

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Date About The Globe Church

Eldership and staff

The Globe Church is about the whole church family living as disciples of Christ, but a few people have especially committed to serve the church and work to see its vision flourish…


The elders have the joy and responsibility, under God, for prayerfully leading The Globe Church, setting the vision and direction, and ensuring that we remain firmly true to the Bible in all that we do. Through the preaching and teaching, we seek to clearly point to Jesus, applying his Word for people in all stages of life and faith.

The elders have overall pastoral concern for the spiritual and practical needs of the church family. We are also passionate about training and equipping others both to serve Jesus in the church, and to live for him through all of life. We long to see God use us all at Globe Church to show Jesus to those we meet day by day.

We would love to welcome you into our church family and for you to be ‘at home’ here. We always want to be approachable. Please come and find one (or more!) of us for a friendly conversation so we can get to know you better.

Staff team

The Globe Church is about the whole church family living as disciples of Christ, but a few people have especially committed to serve the church and work to see its vision flourish. We call them our Staff Team.

Ministry trainees

A large part of our role as a church is to train up future gospel workers. Sometimes it is possible for someone to spend a year with The Globe Church team and get a closer look at what church-based ministry looks like as a ministry trainee. This year our ministry trainees are…