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The Globe Church


Sundays at The Globe Church

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Discipling: Looking forward to this year’s Globe Getaway

Date Wednesday, 16th October 2019

Preached by Sally Palmer

Last year at ‘Globe Getaway’, our church day away, we looked at the topic of Moving Forward and studied what it was to grow in Christ. One awesome truth that has stuck with me since that day is the simplicity of what discipleship is: following Jesus Christ.

Before Globe Getaway last year, I was guilty of overcomplicating discipleship. I treated discipleship like a technique I needed to learn, or a course I needed to enrol into; I thought it was seeing how quickly I could skim through Bible passages or copying the behaviours of a church leader. But discipleship is not a tick list of burdensome tasks! Neither is it an impossible quest to become the perfect “Globe-Christian”. It’s something much more exciting, beautiful and life-giving. Discipleship is leaving the old behind and responding to the call to follow Jesus.

This truth completely transforms the way that I read my Bible! Reading the Bible doesn’t have to be a box-ticking exercise; we read the Bible to trace the footsteps of the most captivating man that ever lived. We can follow Jesus through a gospel, but, by divine design, we’re able to see Jesus all the way through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. We each need the Bible to enjoy God and understand His love.

Another wonderful thing about discipleship is that we’re not called to do it alone. As disciples, we each have the privilege and responsibility of pointing others to Jesus and helping them follow Him.

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” – Hebrews 10:24-25

Globe Getaway is a fantastic opportunity to do just what Hebrews talks about. Following Jesus isn’t always easy, in fact, it can be very difficult. Sometimes our faith can wobble, and shame can creep in and keep us from worshipping whole-heartedly. Praise God that we follow Jesus together, as brothers and sisters!

Let’s use this Globe Getaway to point others to Jesus when maybe they’re struggling to see Him. Let’s encourage one another to not be satisfied with where we sit in our Christian lives, but to long to be fully mature in Christ. Let’s delight in watching each other grow to see Jesus more clearly and love Him more.

Pray with me ahead of Globe Getaway this weekend:

  • Pray for Dan Strange as he prepares to speak to us;
  • Pray for the staff team and serving teams that are working to put this day together; pray that their faith will be strengthened and that they will be filled with joy in the Gospel;
  • Pray that it’ll be an encouraging and uplifting day;
  • Most importantly, pray that we all arrive at Chessington Evangelical Church knowing why we’re there – to see Jesus together.

Globe Getaway is happening on October 26th. Dan Strange will teach about engaging with culture in order to share our faith more effectively. It will be a day full of teaching, worship, games and fellowship! Not yet signed up? Do it here: