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The Globe Church

The Globe Church

Sundays at The Globe Church

Join The Globe Church this Sunday, 4pm at Ark Globe Academy.

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Have you ever wondered? Film screening and discussion

Event time Friday, 15th March 2024 19:0022:00 (3 hours)

Event location Rocket Van (92 Brandon Street, London, Greater London, SE17 1AL, United Kingdom)

Come and watch a film, discuss the themes and explore how it interacts with the Christian faith.

Join us at Rocket Van Bar and Cafe on 15th and 22nd March for a film night and discussion.

*Due to licensing rules we aren't able to share the title of the film online, but head over our instragram page to see the clues we'll be revealing, to help you know what you'll be watching. Different films will be shown on 15th and 22nd. Or see our event photos above - image 1 (15th), image 2 (22nd).

There are only 30 spaces at each event, so if you can no longer attend, please email or cancel your place.

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