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The Globe Church

The Globe Church

Sundays at The Globe Church

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Globe GetAway: Moving Forward

Date Monday, 8th October 2018

Preached by James Docherty

At this time of year it can feel that The Globe Church changes a lot. The university term is starting back, new jobs are beginning, people are coming and leaving from London, and so our church family changes with the ebb and flow of city life. We’re not looking to resist the rhythm of where we live, but we are focused on being relational in it. It’s one of our church values- Relational; overcoming city life to be family.

This term as many people, often new to London, join our church family we want to live this out, growing in relationship with one another, helping one another live for Christ. One of the the ways we do this at this time of year is Globe GetAway.

On Saturday 27th October 2018 we’re taking a day out to have a day away as a church family. It’s become one of the highlights of our church calendar together. We’re going to do what lots of families do when they go away together – we’ll share meals, some will go on walks, play sports (or board games), drink tea. But most importantly we’re going to read God’s word together to grow deep in it as a family, praying, discussing and applying it to our lives.

This year’s theme is Moving Forwards. When you read almost any letter written by the apostle Paul he is really keen to encourage the church, and himself, that they need to be growing, they need be maturing, they need to be moving forwards in their faith. In Philippians he writes to the church:

[I’ve not] arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. … One thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus.

Paul, Philippians 3v12-14

Paul isn’t content with being a static Christian, he trains and pushes himself forward. He teaches and writes to other churches, encouraging them to do the same. Hearing this encouragement, we’re going to explore this topic together. In the morning, we’re going to be thinking about what is means to move forwards in Jesus’ path, learning to emulate the example that he taught and set. The afternoon slow will have the theme of ‘momentum’. We’ll be digging into Ephesians together, and exploring how we can grow to become the mature body of Christ together.

Globe GetAway is taking place on Saturday 27 October 2018 at The King’s Centre in Chessington. It’s not too late to sign up to join us; either speak to Alice on Sunday, or email the church office.