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The Globe Church


Sundays at The Globe Church

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Short reflections from Globe GetAway

Date Monday, 5th November 2018

Preached by James Docherty

Last weekend we had our annual day away– Globe GetAway. It is a chance for us as a church family to take a day out together from our normal patterns, to dig into scripture, to pray together, to set a direction for the year ahead.

Here are reflections from a few people who were with us about what stood out to them from the day.

Lizzy Ogle:

“Since our church day away I’ve been replaying in my head something Jane Fletcher shared – I have a God given responsibility (and privilege) to be His disciple in the small section of the world that I live in daily. God trusts me with the people I see day in, day out – to be sharing and living out the gospel for them to hear/see. That’s challenging, but pretty special too!”

Tom Kendall:

“When I think of serving Jesus I often go to a list of things I need to do better or a series of life-hacks to figure out to become the perfect Christian. This is not the way Jesus works! If it was that my salvation would rest on my own efforts rather than the gracious sacrifice of Christ. Globe GetAway proved a fantastic opportunity to reassess my understanding of discipleship and to see that discipleship is not about doing but about following. The call is not for us to simply be better. The big call of Mark 8:34 is follow Christ for he has done it all. That is liberating.”

Skye He

“I was struck by how I can move forwards as a Christian in the workplace. It’s a privilege that God entrust his kingdom to us and trust me to be his ambassador. Whatever success I have is his success. No one is indispensable in the workplace, but I’m his beloved forever. Work can never be more important than Jesus. This should be reflected by me so that colleagues and friends can see.”

Simeon Allcock

“I really enjoyed the day away because we could have lots of fun and feel like a family as a church. I liked listening to different people and hearing their opinions. I found it really helpful about the one small step and decided I could start to read my Bible and pray in the morning. I did it for the first time this morning. I read about Job and I learned that God is great and marvellous. It was really helpful. I’ve written down some of the people I know at church into a list for each day and I prayed that they would know that God was great and marvellous. I also prayed for my cousins in Kazhakstan.”

Ollie Bray

“After the first session we anonymously wrote down the things were we found it hard to move forward in our Christian walk which would be discussed in another talk. This was pretty revealing to me because it showed we all struggle with similar things, but we so rarely talk publicly about it; regularly praying is hard, reading the Bible, finding the things of the world more fun than the things of Christ. It was good to get talk about this together, not to feel ashamed or feel like a failure in the presence of other believers, it was good to know that we all hadn’t figured it out, we all hadn’t reached our goal yet, but we’re making progress together.”

All the sessions from Globe GetAway were recorded and you can listen back to them now on the GetAway page.