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The Globe Church

The Globe Church

Sundays at The Globe Church

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Date Monday, 3rd April 2023

Preaching passage Galatians 5:13-26

Preached by Mike (Myung) Sohn

In the freedom we have in Christ, we can either gratify the desires of our flesh or walk by the Spirit. Indulging the flesh will only lead to being enslaved once more and not inheriting the kingdom of God. Instead we are called to walk by the Spirit because we know that we belong to Christ, have been crucified with Christ and have been promised that His Spirit would be with us. May we walk by the Spirit this week to humbly serve one another in love, battle with our fleshly desires, and bear the fruits of the Spirit in our lives to God’s glory.

This recording is part of the series…

Galatians: No Longer Slaves

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